The Wild Foodies of Philly
   In search of the food beneath our feet!



PLANTAINS: Broad Leaf & Narrow Leaf:  We should all know about this common "weed" and its healing powers both externally and internally. It's the  most abundant and diverse medicinal plant on earth (200 species worldwide). You can find it everywhere - in yards, parks, sidewalks - wherever you find dirt!




Common Uses:

Learn more about the plants below at

TOP 20: courtesy Danni Morinich,

Learn more about the plants below at

  1. Plantains: poultice for abrasions wounds-root chewed for tooth ache-taken as tea for respiratory congestion/IBS
  2. Mints: Antibacterial, analgesic, Tea from leaves and stems for pain, headache sinus congestion and digestion
  3. Wild violet: tea of flower and leaves for sore throats, bronchial conditions, cold & flu
  4. Yarrow: styptic can be  used fresh or dried and powdered to staunch bleeding, leaf for tea can reduce menstrual bleeding and pain, tea for colds and flu
  5. Dandelion: leaves make a bitter tea, but it safely flushes the system, diuretic and mild laxative, working to remove fluid but has potassium salts to prevent potassium depletion. Good for digestion and helps remove fluid of edema
  6. Chamomile: Can be used on skin as anti-inflammatory, and for itching or enjoyed as tea.  Antiviral, antispasmodic, sedative 
  7. Willow: pain and inflammation including joint pain or osteo arthritis, anti-parasite (some say superior to quinine for malaria.)
  8. Raspberry leaves: made into a tea is useful as a uterine stimulant and relaxant, also astringent which is good for diarrhea, and excessive menstrual flow 
  9. Jewelweed: Crushed and used fresh in the field  as a poultice and applied to rashes, or poison ivy or steep flowers and leaves a strong tea to bathe skin with rashes or allergic reactions. 
  10. Mugwort: leaves and roots can be dried and used. In WWII used as tea replacement. Antispasmodic and hemostatic so can be helpful during heavy painful periods. 
  11. Stinging nettle: leaves used as tea as a diuretic, analgesic for pain and antihistamine to relieve allergies. Flushes toxins so can help clear skin and eliminate UTIs
  12. Burdock: tea made from the root. Full of antioxidants, helps regulate blood sugar. Also helpful in coughs, colds and acts as an anti-inflammatory to relieve aches and pains An ingredient in Essiac tea.
  13. Chickweed: Leaves and flowers can be infused in oil to soothe itchy and dry skin. Leaves and flowers can be enjoyed as tea which is mildly diuretic/laxative, and can help with inflammatory issues, like arthritis, gout, or used on acne or hemorrhoids
  14. Mallow: It's mucilaginous nature of leaves and roots make it great for soothing inflammation of the stomach, respiratory system or urinary tract. If made as tea should be steeped not boiled. 
  15. Hawthorn: A tincture can be made of the fruit, or a tea of leaves and flowers. Used to treat issues of the heart as well as circulation by helping dilate blood vessels for free flow of blood. Lowers blood pressure and can help with angina and congestive heart failure. 
  16. Comfrey: Historically a tea was made of leaves and drunk to help with wound healing including bone breaks, sprains and strains and helping with the pain. Because it contains constituents that can be toxic to the liver over time, most recommendations are that you use the tea only topically. 
  17. Linden: leaves and flowers used as a nervine. Very calming. It's a diaphoretic, but by inducing sweating can help break fevers associated with colds and flus and help with sinus congestion as well as sore throats and respiratory issues. Soothing and mucilaginous. 
  18. Shepard’s purse: All aerial parts can be used as a tea for it's anti inflammatory and coagulant benefits. In TCM it's used to staunch excessive bleeding after child birth, diarrhea and high blood pressure. 
  19. Mullein: Flowers and leaves are used as a tea for respiratory system as it's both a demulcent (soothing mucilage) and can soothe an relax muscles in the respiratory system. Antibacterial and infused in oil has been used in ear infection and can kill bacterial that cause Staph and E coli. Soft leaves can also be used as a poultice on sin 
  20. Echinacea: Flowers, leaves stems and roots are all used and although many think only the root has immune boosting power, the leaves and aerial parts can be used as tea for their anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties. It's also been used as a mild laxative to reduce bloat and improve skin collagen. 

Editor: Chameleon / Tsi is also a very important herb as it has so many medicinal properties, including antiviral and antibacterial properties, and it is easy to grow.